Premium R Marine Dealer with over 100 years of combined experience.
Superior floating showroom to protect your investment.
Integral and honest relationships with the Australian and New Zealand R Marine networks. – Our history and operational procedures make us the preferred dealer to assist the network.
A comprehensive database of owners and prospects accumulated over 25 years.
Priority positioning opportunity in our newsletter sent to over 4500 clients.
Fresh photoshoot, taken by a professional.
Professional settlement process with a no risk policy and proven duty of care dealings.
The boat will be for sale at the place of where it was built. Where is there a better place to sell a Riviera?
On-site lifting facility’s for purchaser’s convenience, with expansive service competencies.
Enquiry level monitored weekly, with weekly sales team updates.
In-depth knowledge of the entire Riviera fleet, ensuring that boats of lower specification levels on the market are not used to compare and devalue your vessel during negotiations.
Multiple internet site listings.
Co-listing opportunity with other qualified brokers to reach the broader market when required.
* Vessels must be of a high standard of presentation to be considered for berthing in our floating showroom.